Welcome to Merrill, Oregon
The City of Merrill was incorporated in 1903 and still epitomizes the same small town charm of that era. A community of 845 people in south central Oregon located just 5.4 miles from the California border. Farming and agriculture related businesses are the primary economy sustaining industries of the area. The city is a proud supporter of agriculture. The main street of Merrill is lined with quaint specialty shops where customers are still greeted on a first name basis and most transactions are still sealed with a handshake. This friendly, tight knit community is considered a modern-day Mayberry, a place that is safe for your children to grow up and where neighbor still watches out for neighbor. People may say that progress and traffic move way too slow in Merrill, but just view it as an opportunity to take in the small-town atmosphere and to revert back to when life was less demanding and less hurried. Please come and enjoy the small-town atmosphere for yourself! Home of the October annual Klamath Basin Potato Festival since 1937.
For Notifications and/or Special Events, go to the About Merrill tab above and select Notifications.
Credit Debit Accepted

We are pleased to announce that we are setup to accept debit credit payments. The customer will be charged an extra $3.00 minimum fee for using the credit debit machine on top of the normal bill amount. The fee is not collected by the City but by the company for the machine. You can pay your by online by clicking the link below.
Click Here : https://govpay.net/merrill-oregon-water-sewer
Thank you, The City of Merrill
The Klamath County Burn Advisory for Summer Open burn window is avialable at 541-882- BURN (2876). You may also contact Merrill Rural Fire Chief Heim at 541-281-3009

For the Merrill Rural Fire Department Burning Outdoors Outside City Limits Notification CLICK HERE
Outdoor Burning Regulations in Merrill and Chapter 90.23 (c) Noxious Vegetation
Burning Regulations CLICK HERE
Chapter 92: Merrill Clean Air Ordinance CLICK HERE
Chapter 90.23 Nuisances Affecting Public Safety (c) Noxious Vegetation CLICK HERE
Chapter 90.23 Ordinance No. 2025 CLICK HERE